Refugees, smugglers and Terrorists

Migration fuels human smuggling in the Mediterranean region By Vasileios Koutsoliakos and Anastasios Filntisis Over the past two years, the refugee crisis has risen to the forefront of European policy agendas. The increasing number of…

Fighting Organized Crime in Kosovo

EU-inspired laws could help bring stability to the young Balkan nation By Lt. Col. Fatos Haziri Organized crime can endanger the security of any country, but particularly those with fragile democracies that lack experience effectively…

Building Trust to Fight Cyber Crime

Reliable reputation online impedes cyber criminals By Steven Jones-Chaljub Escuela Superior de Guerra, Colombia Cyberspace is a dynamic domain that attracts attention from academics and policymakers. It represents the present and…

Wielding Intelligence as a Weapon

Defeating the Islamic State requires a patient commitment to building multinational spy networks By Col. (Ret.) József Kis-Benedek, Ph.D. Professor, National University of Public Service, Hungary The Islamic State (IS) is much more than…

Stopping the Spread of WMD

The U.S. Department of Energy works with the Kyrgyz Republic to fight proliferation By Bakyt T. Kakchekeev The Kyrgyz Republic is committed to the peaceful development of all countries, supports the peaceful resolution of conflicts and…

A New Russia Strategy

International relations theory requires NATO to reassess its strategy toward Russia By Capt. Evan Kerrane, U.S. Army Theories can bring structure to a chaotic world and, although sometimes viewed as impractical, they shed light on the…

Building Deterrence in Cyberspace

The U.S. Department of Defense’s new strategy focuses on prevention By Aaron Hughes, U.S. deputy assistant secretary of defense for cyber policy Malicious actors in cyberspace pose a complex and dynamic set of threats that leaders and…

Defining Cyber Terrorism

Few experts agree on a universally acceptable definition Ruben Tuitel Cyber terrorism is a difficult phenomenon for scholars, legal practitioners and international organizations to define. Additionally, confusion exists over the…