Cold Realities

A warming Arctic brings opportunity and risk By Cmdr. Rachael Gosnell, U.S. Navy, Marshall Center professor The unprecedented warming of the Arctic is heightening interest in the region’s tremendous natural resources. As the…

Accessible, But Not Acceptable

Europe’s shifting relationship with natural gas By Dr. András Deák, John Lukacs Institute for Strategy and Politics at the Ludovika University of Public Service, and Dr. John Szabo, Institute of World Economics at the Centre for Economic…

Same Question, Different Answers

How Visegrád Group countries approach Russian energy ties By Paolo Zucconi, research associate, Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe Russia, with its vast reserves of natural resources, has played a…

Energy and Geopolitics

Navigating the Gulf States’ Energy Strategies By Dr. Farkhod Aminjonov, National Defence College, United Arab Emirates Arabian Gulf countries, as major net hydrocarbon exporters, have long played a significant role in…

Transactional Security

Countries use a range of strategies to keep energy supplies flowing By Dr. Pál Dunay, former Marshall Center professor Power generated from solar and wind — though still a small percentage of the energy supply when compared…

Resource Dominance

The strategic importance of raw materials and the case for lithium By Dr. Ulrich Blum, Menglu Li, Nico Kropp and Karoline Schneeweiss The supply of raw materials is crucial to the economic success of nations. Given the…

Smokeless War and Mirrors

China seeks to undermine democracy, acquire new technology and quash dissent By Theresa Fallon, director, Centre for Russia Europe Asia Studies Shi Pei Pu was a Beijing opera singer and spy whose perplexing liaison with…