On the Offensive

Argentina’s multipronged assault on drug trafficking provides lessons for other nations By Martin Verrier Argentina’s national undersecretary of Counter Narcotics Policy, Marshall Center Alumni Drug consumption in Argentina…

Trouble on the Horizon

A looming cyber warfare threat demands an overhaul of international law By Lt. Col. Brian Smith, U.S. Central Command Photos by The Associated Press Although some progress has been made over the past decade, current international law…

Hybrid Threats

Coping with new challenges By Klaus-Dieter Fritsche, state secretary at the German Federal Chancellery, German commissioner for the Federal Intelligence Services With the end of confrontation between East and West came a long period when…

From Calamity to Coordination

How a botched 1970 defection request led to a ‘whole-of-government’ approach to crises By Brian Wilson, deputy director of the Global Maritime Operational Threat Response Coordination Center, and Wayne Raabe, U.S. Department of Justice,…

ISIS in Turkey

The government’s response has global consequences By Ahmet S.Yayla, Ph.D., George Mason University The Reina nightclub attack, which occurred in the early hours of New Year’s Day 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey, and the counterterrorism…

Defense Diplomacy

A strategy vital to advancing policy initiatives By Lt. Col. Gwyn A. Carver, U.S. Army With global uncertainty and regional insecurity on the rise, a marked reduction in the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) budget, and insufficient…

Women, Peace and Security

Involving more women in peace processes and the security sector will yield lasting benefits By Annjulie Vester, Marshall Center Photos by the associated press Women across the world face challenges to their status every day, but…

Better Training Better Soldiers

Developing and Improving Ukraine’s Military Education Process By Maj. Gen. Igor Tolok, Ukrainian Ministry of Defense The Revolution of Dignity opened a new chapter in the history of Ukraine, paving the way for a new open society, free…

Cooperative Security within NATO

A focus on Article 3 would improve interoperability to address horizontal threats By Maj. Joseph N. Gardner, U.S. Army In November 2010, at the Lisbon Summit, NATO published a new Strategic Concept that introduced cooperative security…